Nguyen Minh Quan

Nguyen Minh Quan

Nguyen Minh Quan

Nguyen Minh Quan
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This week, we highlight the case of Nguyen Minh Quan, a former Director of Thu Duc Hospital, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, who was sentenced for money laundering, violation of bidding regulations, and embezzlement.

Quan and his associates were accused of violating the Bidding Laws during the procurement of medical supplies and equipment for Thu Duc Hospital between 2016 and 2020. The violations have resulted in significant losses to the state budget. Quan allegedly awarded 27 bids to businesses owned by Loi and paid them a total of USD 14.2 Mn, which was 30 to 50 percent higher than the actual price of the medical supplies and equipment sold to Thu Duc Hospital by Loi’s companies. Although Quan’s associates were aware of his violations, they failed to report them. Loi transferred USD 4.2 Mn, the difference between the actual cost and the amount Thu Duc Hospital paid him, to Quan and his wife. The money was used by the couple to purchase recreational real estate, real estate properties, and automobiles. Although Quan paid two anti-corruption officials US 3.7 Mn to avoid bribery charges, he still managed to escape them.