IMF Economic Activity Indicators

IMF Economic Activity Indicators

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This week’s OSIN showcases the IMF: Economic Activity Indicators

The IMF’s climate data indicators provide crucial insights into global greenhouse gas emissions. These indicators offer both annual and quarterly data, sourced from various institutions such as the UNFCCC, EDGAR, Climate Watch, and the International Energy Agency. They highlight emissions resulting from economic activities in different regions and allow users to select specific regions for analysis.

Additionally, the IMF presents national mitigation targets, calculated based on each country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement. These targets represent the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions required to combat climate change effectively. However, it’s important to note that these targets are for illustrative purposes and may not necessarily align precisely with each country’s NDC commitments. The IMF continually refines these calculations to provide up-to-date information on climate mitigation efforts worldwide.