2022 PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey

2022 PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey

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This week’s OSIN showcases the 2022 PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey

The 2022 PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey underscores the growing significance of platforms in the business landscape. The report, based on insights from 1,296 executives across 53 countries and regions, revealed that the average organization now utilizes four different platforms. This indicates the expanding role of platforms in connecting people, enabling e-commerce, and supporting enterprise operations, which has only accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the survey also raised a red flag: fraudsters are quick to adapt to this platform-driven world. They exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in organizations’ digital perimeters, posing a significant risk. As businesses increasingly rely on platforms for delivery and contactless payments, it’s crucial for them to bolster their security measures to safeguard against economic crime and fraud in this evolving landscape.