Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Weekly Digest – Volume 58

Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Weekly Digest - Volume 58

Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Weekly Digest – Volume 58

Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Weekly Digest - Volume 58
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Introducing the 58th edition of The PEP Weekly Digest, where we present to you the most recent updates and news on the global political stage.

Recent and upcoming elections influence the worldwide political landscape in eight nations, slated between June 30, 2024 and Sep 01, 2024. These elections hold significant importance, as they will determine the direction and governance of each respective country’s future.

One noteworthy event has occurred in Afghanistan, the spokesman for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan announced that several appointments have been made according to the decree of the esteemed Supreme Leader. Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, wrote on his X page that according to the decree of the Supreme Leader, Hidayatullah Badri, former Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank, has been appointed as acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum. Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, former deputy head of the Afghan Red Crescent Society, has been appointed as acting head of the Disaster Management Authority. Additionally, Sheikh Shahabuddin Delawar, former acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, has been appointed as acting head of the Afghan Red Crescent Society.

Shifting our focus to Canada, in addition to John Hogan’s other roles in the Newfoundland and Labrador government, he will now be filling in as the interim health and community services minister. Hogan, the MHA for Windsor Lake, will continue in his roles of attorney general and justice and public safety minister. He’s also government House leader and minister responsible for the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Office. “We are fortunate to have someone with his keen intellect and work ethic provide direction to both the justice and public safety portfolio as well as health and community services,” Premier Andrew Furey said in a statement Monday morning. “I look forward to working with him in his new role.” Hogan is taking over the cabinet position previously held by Waterford Valley MHA Tom Osborne, who retired Friday.

In United Kingdom, Keir Starmer became Prime Minister, all prime ministers bring their own personality and approach to the job. Each has a different style of leadership, which can shape how things work and what gets done. Herbert Asquith famously summed it up when he said being prime minister is all about “what the holder chooses and is able to make of it”. When searching for clues as to how Keir Starmer will choose to be Britain’s prime minister, there isn’t too much to go on. When asked directly on a recent podcast, he declared “an inclusive, determined prime minister who will look out for everyone in the country”. This only takes us so far, as it’s rather hard to imagine anyone saying the opposite (except, perhaps, Nigel Farage). But sifting through what we know, we can at least make a start at piecing together the puzzle.

In the realm of regulatory affairs, in Canada, the Department of Finance released draft regulations under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA), which, among other things, implement some of the changes outlined in the Fall Economic Statement of 2023.

Shifting our attention to legal advancements, Indonesia Former agriculture minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo was jailed for 10 years on Thursday after he was found guilty of misappropriating more than $900,000 of public funds. The Jakarta Corruption Court found the Nasdem Party politician guilty of ordering officials in his ministry to send him money from state coffers, some of which was used for his personal expenses. The defendant … was legally and convincingly proven according to the law to be guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption,” said presiding judge Rianto Adam Pontoh. Judges found he had spent more than $900,000 on personal expenses, including jewelry and beauty treatments for his wife. Syahrul was ordered to repay the funds or have his assets seized by the court.