UAE Financial Crime Data

UAE Financial Crime Data

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This week’s OSIN showcases the UAE Financial Crime Data released by Financial Crime News in 2022.

UAE Financial Crime Dashboard highlights the nation’s evolving response to financial threats such as fraud, drug trafficking, money laundering, and trade-based financial crime. Notably, geopolitical events like the Russian invasion of Ukraine have added to these challenges. The UAE’s reaction has intensified, partly due to FATF grey listing. Key indicators show remarkable progress, with a substantial increase in asset seizures and confiscations, surpassing 1% of estimated criminal proceeds recovered. The FATF Follow-up Report in 2021 noted positive upgrades and increased international cooperation, including high-profile arrests. Additionally, the leadership of the Executive AML/CFT Office and the establishment of a pioneering public-private partnership signify significant steps toward enhancing the UAE’s AML/CTF efforts in the region.